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When Two Boys Kissed on Primetime TV

the-fostersHayden Byerly as Jude in ABC Family’s ‘The Fosters.’ (ABC Family/YouTube)

When Two Boys Kissed on Primetime TV
MIchael Brown

Hayden Byerly as Jude in ABC Family’s ‘The Fosters.’ (ABC Family/YouTube)
Parents, you make a grave mistake if you underestimate the power of negative examples, especially through TV, movies, social media and Internet.
Second, these kissing and sex scenes are impacting children at a volatile stage in their sexual and emotional development, potentially leading to even greater confusion, not to mention sexual experimentation.
Remember, we’re talking about developing children here, about kids who have not yet come into puberty (or who have just come into puberty), and now some of their favorite TV characters are acting out their homosexual desires, making for a whole new kind of role model.
I’m aware, of course, that gay-identified kids still get bullied in many schools across the nation, but I’m also aware that in many other schools, coming out as gay is seen as cool or even the thing to do.

This was confirmed to me by a very liberal-minded middle school teacher who told me about a 12-year-old boy who came out as gay in her class, only to come to her the next day and say, “I think I made a mistake. Can I take it back?”
Let that sink in for a moment.

Yet these are the very kids who will be influenced by TV shows like The Fosters.

Add to all this the influence of “Gay Straight Alliances” in middle schools and high schools, where kids are encouraged to “come out” to peers and faculty without their parents even knowing about it, coupled with the influence of Hollywood, the Internet and aggressive pro-gay school curricula, and it’s all too easy for kids in these formative years to become even more confused about their sexuality.
And once they begin to experiment, especially at such tender ages, there’s no telling what practices and behavior and desires might become a long-term part of their lives.
I’m not denying that most of those who identify as LGBT as adults say that their feelings never changed over the years. I’m simply pointing out that many people who thought they were “gay” eventually discover they are not.
One study I read found that roughly 25 percent of young teens interviewed thought that they might be gay, but 10 years later, the number of those who identified as gay was one-tenth that amount.

But how many of them engage in all kinds of sexual practices and relationships today because of their earlier sexual experimentation?

Third, not to sound prudish, but I’d be perfectly happy if there weren’t any TV kissing scenes with 13-year-olds, even if the kids were as heterosexual as they come.

Leave It to Beaver and Lassie may seems a little cheesy today, especially to young viewers, and they certainly had their flaws, but I’ll take the moral values instilled on those kind of shows over Glee or the latest reality show on MTV—unless, of course, you think Leave It to Beaver would have been better had 13-year-old Wally, Beaver’s older brother, cuddled up to another boy and kissed him.
The very thought of it is repulsive.

Michael Brown is the author of 25 books, including Can You Be Gay and Christian? and host of the nationally syndicated talk radio show “The Line of Fire.” He is also president of FIRE School of Ministry and director of the Coalition of Conscience.
Unless otherwise specified, the opinions expressed are solely the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the views of Charisma Media.

All Roads Lead to Berlin

The specter of unfettered German power is once again haunting Europe as Berlin has become the pivot point for a continent in financial flux. Where is Germany’s path destined to end?
by Neal Hogberg

“Future historians will see the years between 2014 and 2017 as the period when Germany belatedly emerged from its post-war shell to become one of the leaders of the West” (Andreas Kluth, “Power v Piffle,” The Economist, Nov. 20, 2014).
Having recently observed the quarter-century remembrance of the fall of the Berlin Wall and just ahead of the October 2015 silver anniversary of reunification, Germany—once again the geographic, strategic and economic center of Europe—appears ready to take charge.

As the viability of the 28-nation European Union is being questioned due to numerous, daunting challenges—from a protracted financial crisis, Islamic extremism and growing nationalism to euro-skepticism, Russian aggression and threats by some members to withdraw from the union—Germany has become the pivotal player in Europe.

A European Germany or a German Europe?
At the end of World War II, much of Germany lay in ruins. It was on the frontlines of the Cold War, divided between the two superpowers. The U.S. Marshall Plan jump-started the rebuilding of the western part. Within Europe, the French and British sought to bind this free democratic part into a united Europe to prevent it from becoming too dominant.
Through adaptability, meticulous efficiency and a culture of thrift, West Germany rapidly became the envy of the world over the next 20 years, with many lauding its Wirtschaftswunder, or “economic miracle.”
Still, some difficult times would follow. Occasional periods of economic stagnation, and a $2 trillion bill for reunification with the formerly communist East Germany, led Newsweek, as recently as 2002, to dub Germany “the sick man of Europe.”
Then a second Wirtschaftswunder occurred from 2005 onwards, as Germany reaped exponential growth as the primary beneficiary of European economic unity and a single currency. Unique amid the bruised and beaten economies of the eurozone, Germany has emerged relatively unscarred from the continent’s lingering financial crisis.

At the end of the Cold War, German Defense Minister Volker Rühe declared that Germany was now “encircled by friends,” rather than potential military aggressors. As the need for protection by the U.S. military has decreased, Germany’s relationship with America, always a bit tenuous, has waned due to phone-tapping revelations, use of drones and Washington’s preference to “lead from behind.”
“Many Germans,” according to Hans Kundnani, author of The Paradox of German Power, “now say they no longer share values with the United States, and some say that they never did” (“Leaving the West Behind,” Foreign Affairs, January-February 2015).
In a historical irony, Germany has succeeded through economic strength, political clout and diplomatic prowess where Bismarck, Kaiser Wilhelm II and Hitler failed militarily—turning an entire continent into a greater German empire. Despite resentment, Germany is now the undisputed master of Europe without the loss of a single German soldier.
New correlation of forces

Frightened by its own historical shadows, Germany has been a “reluctant hegemon,” preferring to think of itself as an economic and moral model for the world, like a large Sweden, rather than a Teutonic tiger.
But as the German export-dependent juggernaut has continued despite the financial floundering of reckless debtor neighbors, a new national pride has emerged. “This new attitude,” writes sociologist Ulrich Beck in his book German Europe, “could be summed up in the words: We are not the masters of Europe, but we are its schoolmasters” (2014, p. 56).
In the Italian newspaper Il Messaggero, former Italian premier and ex-president of the European Commission Romano Prodi worried that “France is ever more disoriented and Britain is losing power by the day in Brussels after its decision to hold a referendum on EU membership.” The result is that “Germany is exercising an almost solitary power.”
The new presidents of the European Commission and the Council of Europe, he added, “are men who rotate around Germany’s orbit, and above all there is a very strong [German] presence among the directors, heads of cabinet and their deputies. The bureaucracy is adapting to the new correlation of forces.”

“Smaller states,” writes economic editor Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, “no longer form clusters of alliances around a three-legged diplomatic edifice made up of Germany, France, and Britain. They are instead scrambling to adapt to a new European order where only one state now counts” (“Britain’s EU Retreat Means German Hegemony Warns Prodi,” The Telegraph, Nov. 24, 2014).
Power within Europe has shifted so sharply to Berlin that, as noted in The Economist, “in Beijing or Washington, DC, the question: ‘Where is Europe going?’ has become synonymous with: ‘What do the Germans want?’” (“Europe’s Reluctant Hegemon,” June 15, 2013).
During the Cold War, former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger mockingly quipped: “Who do I call if I want to call Europe?” The answer is much more obvious today. When there is a problem between Europe and the United States, President Barack Obama telephones German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Illustratively, rather than speaking with each other during the recent Crimean crises, President Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin used Chancellor Merkel as the go-between. Last year alone, Putin was reported to have spent over 110 hours on the phone with the chancellor.
The most powerful woman in the world
Widely considered the world’s most powerful woman, Angela Merkel has been nicknamed “Merkiavelli” after the Italian Renaissance strategist Niccolòlo Machiavelli, whose philosophy on the use of political power stressed that crises can be invitations to accumulate greater power.
Once dismissed by rivals as colorless for her unthreatening air of ordinariness and derogatively called “Mutti,” or Mommy, she is now respected for her fingertip feel of public opinion. In turn, Germans support her overwhelmingly in polls that hover around 75 percent approval.
Throughout the rest of Europe, Merkel is viewed less maternally. She is feared for her “ruthless and instrumental use of people to achieve her political ends.” She “has EU leaders in thrall while her genuine wit and charm have them competing for her favour” (Bruno Waterfield, “Why Queen Angela Makes Europe Dance to Merkel’s Tune,” The Telegraph, July 16, 2014).

The daughter of a Lutheran pastor, Merkel was raised in East Germany and became a research chemist. Quiet, analytical and highly serious, this future chancellor of a united Germany personally witnessed the oppression of Soviet-sponsored communism and remains deeply distrustful of Russia.
Described by political correspondents as having a “perfect instinct for power,” and using unpretentiousness as a weapon, Merkel has historically outmaneuvered a series of male political heavyweights throughout the continent.

Early in her political career, then-Chancellor Helmut Kohl presented her as “mein Mäadchen”—his girl—to foreign dignitaries. But later, after she cunningly played the key role in his downfall, Kohl confessed that championing the young Merkel had been the biggest blunder of his life. “I brought my killer,” Kohl admitted. “I put the snake on my arm” (George Packer, “The Quiet German,” The New Yorker, Dec. 1, 2014).
Economic enslavement

Ulrich Beck states the feelings of much of Europe when he notes, “Only one fate is worse than being overwhelmed by German money, and that is not being overwhelmed by German money” (German Europe, p. 50).
Diminishing European prosperity paired with German-domination has incensed much of Southern Europe. Furious Greeks and unemployed Spaniards see austerity measures as German imperialism. The impoverished “Club Med” countries, because of their terrible indebtedness, have little option other than to comply with the imposition of unpalatable austerity edicts from Berlin or be faced with economic doomsday.

As Europe’s paymaster, Germany begrudgingly came to the rescue of weaker economic neighbors, but it did so with rigid terms, leading to a mounting chorus of disapproval. One newly elected parliamentarian in Greece called Germany’s stipulations “fiscal waterboarding.”
Another Greek party leader, Panos Kammenos, went ever further, proclaiming, “We will never drop to our knees to beg from Angela Merkel” and calling his country an occupied land under the dictatorship of a Fourth Reich (Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, “Greek Coalition Braces for Debt Showdown as Germany Rattles Sabre,” The Telegraph, Jan. 26, 2015).

Where will Germany’s dominance lead Europe?
“We are now living through Europe’s test,” writes George Friedman, chairman of Stratfor. “As all human institutions do, the European Union is going through a time of intense problems, mostly economic for the moment. The European Union was founded for ‘peace and prosperity.’ If prosperity disappears, or disappears in some nations, what happens next to peace?” (“The European Union, Nationalism and the Crisis of Europe,” Jan. 20, 2015).

Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher warned shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 that a single European currency could not accommodate industrial powerhouses such as Germany and smaller countries like Greece because the euro would “devastate their inefficient economies.” Thatcher, understanding the enormous power and potential of the German people, soberly stated that Germany was still “a destabilising, rather than a stabilising, force in Europe” (Andrew Roberts,

“Was Margaret Thatcher Right to Fear a United Germany?” The Telegraph, Sept. 13, 2009).

French historian Emmanuel Todd may have sounded the loudest alarm, saying, “Unknowingly, the Germans are on their way to again take their role as bringers of calamity for the other European peoples, and later for themselves” (quoted by George Packer in “The Quiet German,” The New Yorker, Dec. 1, 2014).
Bible prophecy comes alive

The Bible foretold that, just before the return of Jesus Christ, a powerful bloc of nations, described as “the beast,” will coalesce and impose a final revival of the ancient Roman Empire (Revelation 13:1-8; 17:8-18; Daniel 2:37-45; 7:15-27).

Through the overpowering influence of a dynamic leader, this group of nations will for a short time be “of one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast” (Revelation 17:13).

This pan-European power is also described as comprised of iron and clay (Daniel 2:40-43), symbolizing both awesome strength and confounding fragility that don’t mix well.
God prophesied punishment and economic collapse for the English-speaking nations as a result of disobedience to God’s law (see our articles “Why Is God Angry With America?” and “Jacob’s Trouble: What Is It?”).

Just as with ancient Israel, which was taken into national captivity in the late 700s B.C., the modern descendants of ancient Israel will also be punished for incorrigible wickedness and rejection of their Creator.
Europe’s future appears to be stamped “Made in Germany,” but the unintended consequence and real significance of Germany’s mushrooming rise to power have devastating implications for the entire world. The Bible warns that without God’s eventual intervention, these end-time events would lead to human extinction (Matthew 24:21-22).

Perceptive observers recognize that significant geopolitical power is rapidly growing in and around Germany, yet few grasp the implications. Jesus Christ tells us in Luke 21:36 to “watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.”
The rise of Germany has prophetic significance. As we watch end-time events unfold, it should motivate each of us to examine our spiritual condition in the light of God’s Word and should lead us to repentance.

How Libya’s Martyrs Are Witnessing to Egypt

Author: martin Author URL:

Author: martin
Author URL:

How Libya’s Martyrs Are Witnessing to Egypt
Murders spark largest outreach ever amid new freedoms and new threats
Undaunted by the slaughter of 21 Christians in Libya, the director of the Bible Society of Egypt saw a golden gospel opportunity.
“We must have a Scripture tract ready to distribute to the nation as soon as possible,” Ramez Atallah told his staff the evening an ISIS-linked group released its gruesome propaganda video. Less than 36 hours later, Two Rows by the Sea was sent to the printer.
One week later, 1.65 million copies have been distributed in the Bible Society’s largest campaign ever.

Not all Muslims are terrorists but these were:

koranNot all Muslims are terrorists but these were:

The burning of the jordanian pilot was a Muslim

The Tel Aviv bus attack:was a Muslim

The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim

The Beltway Snipers were Muslims

The beheading of two Japanese hostages was a Muslim

The Paris and Australia shooting was a Muslim

The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim

The underwear Bomber was a Muslim

The U-S.S. Cole Bombers were Muslims

The Madrid Train Bombers were Muslims

The Bafi Nightclub Bombers were Muslims

The London Subway Bombers were Muslims

The Moscow Theatre Attackers were Muslims

The Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslims

The Pan-Am flight #93 Bombers were Muslims

The Air France Entebbe Hijackers were Muslims

The Iranian Embassy Takeover, was by Muslims

The Beirut U.S. Embassy bombers were Muslims

The Libyan U.S. Embassy Attack was by Musiims

The Buenos Aires Suicide Bombers were Muslims

The Israeli Olympic Team Attackers were Muslims

The Kenyan U.S, Embassy Bombers were Muslims

The Saudi, Khobar Towers Bombers were Muslims

The Beirut Marine Barracks bombers were Muslims

The Besian Russian School Attackers were Muslims

The first World Trade Center Bombers were Muslims

The Bombay & Mumbai India Attackers were Muslims

The Achille Lauro Cruise Ship Hijackers were Muslims

The September 11th 2001 Airline Hijackers were Muslims’

Philippines – Moro Islamic Liberation Front guerrillas were involved in the killing of 49 Special Action Force

Are We Opening the Door to a Holocaust in America?

David Lane

We need pastors to stand up and pray for mercy.
Secularism dismisses Christianity as a cultural relic, “A primitive form of knowledge, a consolation for the weak-minded.”1 Not only is this off-target, it’s dangerous. The notion that the State can impart virtue is absurdly false.
America’s Founders created a new form of government distinctly rooted in biblical principles. An exceptional people, seeped in biblical thought, biblical values, and God-emulating character birthed what Ronald Reagan called, “the idea of America.” Freedom requires Biblical virtue; righteousness is fundamental to a free people.
Secularism has driven Christian faith from the public square. It segregates us dictating: “You can practice your faith in private if you wish. You can worship inside a church building. You can host Vacation Bible School at your church facilities. But don’t bring biblical values to public school, don’t pray, read the Bible or mention Jesus in the classroom, locker room or cafeteria. Don’t speak about Jesus in public and definitely not on television, radio, or mention him in movies.”
The National Education Association would experience cardiac arrest to learn that Christianity was established as the official religion of America in the original 13 State Constitutions.
“The European philosophers Locke and Kant expressed themselves in exactly the same way as Thomas Jefferson and John Adams: Man came into the world ‘endowed’ with unalienable rights.”
“Endowed by whom?” No one had any doubts about this: Man had been endowed by God. By what God? No one hesitated here either: by the Christian God, or more precisely, the Judeo-Christian God, for it was the Judeo-Christian God who created man in his image, and the Christian God who became man and endured suffering in the human condition.
“Today, politically speaking, liberals have won for the most part. The West has liberal constitutions, liberal institutions, liberal economies, and liberal systems of education. But we are so far from ‘the end of history’ that the same breach between liberalism and Christianity that shook our civilization a few generations ago is now presenting itself in a new form. Not in the violent forms of Nazism or communism, but in the form of liberal secularism. For the destinies of Europe and the West, this ideology is no less dangerous; it is rather more insidious. It does not wear the brutal face of violence, but the alluring smile of culture. With its words, liberal secularism preaches freedom, tolerance, and democracy, but with its deeds it attacks precisely that Christian religion which prevents freedom from deteriorating into license, tolerance into indifference, democracy into anarchy.”2
Founder Robert Hunt articulated this “moral mission” when landing at Jamestown in 1607. He declared, “We do hereby Dedicate this Land, and ourselves, to reach the People within these shores with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to raise up Godly generations after us, and with these generations take the Kingdom of God to all the earth. May this Covenant of Dedication remain to all generations, as long as this earth remains, and may this Land, along with England, be Evangelist to the World.”
Jesus was the greatest export of early America, and He still can be. But today our government seeks to transform continents—and Islam—with democratic capitalism through media, education, and foreign policy.
Jesus advised that anyone who hears His teaching and doesn’t obey it is foolish, like a person who builds a house on sand.
“We must have a fixed point in order to judge.”3
Truth is now relative, enforced by the U. S. Supreme Court, which drained our laws of all moral rightness, ironically ruling below an inscription of the Ten Commandments on its walls.
What did the apostle Paul warn of in Romans 1? God gave the wicked over to their own desires as a form of judgment—judgment that affects all of us.
What must we do in response? I’m asking each of you in an email reaching 100,000 pastors to hold one-hour weekly prayer services—led by a Senior Pastor—asking God for mercy because of what we Christians have allowed to happen to America. We have forgotten God and our godly forefathers. We have allowed a holocaust in America and the government defiling God’s design for our sexuality.
Tears are the weapons of heaven; sobs are a part of the music of Jehovah … the adversary having removed the Sword (Word), all-out prayer is our only hope.
“Tears have a tongue, and grammar, and language, that our Father knoweth. Babes have no prayer for the breast, but weeping: the mother can read hunger in weeping.” —Samuel Rutherford
Will a Gideon or Rahab the Harlot please stand?

1 Marcelo Pera, Why We Should Call Ourselves Christians, The Religious Roots of Free Societies

George Washington’s Prophetic Warning Largely Ignored

Sen. John Hoeven, R-N.D., read the first president’s warning against the loss of religion in public life. (CBN)
It came through the annual reading of Washington’s farewell address, a tradition that takes place each year on or near the first president’s birthday.
Sen. John Hoeven, R-North Dakota, read the first president’s warning against the loss of religion in public life.
As Washington prepared to leave office, he told the country that “religion and morality are indispensable supports” to America’s political health.
More than 200 years later, atheists and leftists are fighting a constant battle to remove the influence of religion from the marketplace of ideas.
Two major battles over faith have captured headlines in recent months.
On one front, the Obama administration has been trying to force pro-life ministries and Christian-owned businesses to pay for abortive drugs and services for their employees through Obamacare.
The other battle pits gay activists against the rights of Christian business owners who don’t want to provide services for same-sex weddings that violate their strongly held religious beliefs.
CBN News has also reported numerous cases of liberals challenging city council prayers in court and fighting to remove the phrase “under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance.
But as the Senate was reminded on Monday, Washington warned Americans not to make the mistake of thinking “that morality can be maintained without religion.”
The first commander in chief also advised against political factions and the tendency of one branch of government to seize the powers of the other branches.


JEWISH NATIONAL FUND - Your Voice in Israel
 Donate | Plant Trees | Travel to Israel
JNF News and UpdatesMarch 11, 2015Following the New York Times column “The Two Israels” by Nicholas Kristof, I have been moved by the massive outpouring of support from our donors who know the real truth about JNF’s work with the Bedouin community in Israel and the inclusive work we do for all. Mr. Kristof’s attempt to turn our beloved tree-planting program into a villainous effort is nothing short of hateful and a slander towards world Jewry. Happily, his opinion has backfired as donors have been purchasing trees by the grove to send a message to him and the New York Times that such ruminations are wrong. If you missed the response by JNF President Jeffrey Levine, you can read it here, where others including Abraham Foxman from ADL also criticized the Times’ reporting and anti-Israel bias. Read our OpEd that the Times wouldn’t print.

Mr. Kristof is part of something larger than going after our tree-planting program. He is part of the battle we’re seeing grow in the media and on college campuses to win over the minds of young Jews and silence their support for Israel:

• In the UK, students voted to support ISIS and reject Israel. They would not condemn ISIS on the grounds that it could be considered Islamophobic.

• A day of action against Israel was organized nationally by America Muslims for Palestine, and professors rallied with them.

• Ward Churchill, a professor at Colorado University, asserts that terrorist violence against America is morally justifiable.

•Christians are being slaughtered in the Middle East and Africa, and Jewish college students across our country have been physically, emotionally and intellectually harassed, intimated, threatened and bullied by fellow students and even professors.

Democracy cannot be allowed to be jeopardized. And make no mistake, these attacks on Jews and Israel is an attack on democracy. Our response cannot be silence. We cannot allow professors or anyone on college campuses to divest from Israel. That is the first step to divesting from democracy and then the USA. We cannot be silent. This is a battleground we cannot lose. This is the battleground for our young people, for our future. We’ve been getting out the positive messages about Israel on college campuses throughout the country through our Positively Israel campaign, which emphasizes the ways in which Israel is making the world a better place. Please ask me how you can get involved.



Today, more and more Christians and Jews are hearing the divine call to wake up and engage with one another.
Root Source is answering that call: knowledgeable, Orthodox Israeli Jews teaching Christians around the world online about Jewish concepts, ideas
and thought, to more deeply understand the roots of their faith, in an informal and loving manner.

Root Source enables and encourages dialogue and relationships between Christians and Jews, and empowers Christians to learn like Jews have been learning for centuries. Our Israeli Jewish teachers know you are a Christian, and respect your identity and your faith.

Root Source gives you access to
world-class Jewish biblical teaching online, helping you learn deeper and reach higher in your Christian faith, with the opportunity to ask any question
Our members are often surprised at how quickly they can learn deeper biblical truths from Orthodox Jewish teachings and directly and practically
apply those teachings to their own Christian faith. Current and planned courses cover topics such as Jewish Prayer, Torah and Hebrew Scripture, Jewish Life, Hebrew Language, History of Israel, and Jewish interpretation of
current events.

Gidon Ariel
Founder and CEO
A visionary and pioneer in Jewish-Christian relations,
Gidon made Aliyah to Israel when he was 14 and spent
close to a decade in advanced Jewish studies institutes
(Yeshivas) and the IDF. Gidon serves in the IDF reserves
as a Captain in the Military Spokesperson’s Office
after spending over 20 years in the Armored (Tank)
Corps. Raised an Orthodox Jew, he has kept Jewish
traditions his entire life, and is a seasoned Hebrew and
Judaism Instructor. Gidon is the owner of several Webbased marketing businesses, and has been working
with Christian organizations in Israel, the USA and
internationally since 2005.

Bob O’Dell
Co-Founder and Investor
Bob is a hi-tech entrepreneur and philanthropist, a pro-
Israel Christian with experience in different streams of
the Christian faith. He has worked with Jews in Israel
continuously since 1988, and in 2000 co-founded
Wintegra (a successful high-tech Israeli startup) with
an Israeli. Wintegra was sold in 2010 to PMC-Sierra.
Since 2013, Bob has focused on working with Orthodox
Jews interested in entrepreneurial and philanthropic
endeavours. Root Source has become Bob’s top focus
since it was founded on Nissan 1, 5774 (April 1, 2014). He
serves Root Source as an unpaid volunteer.

“And God said: ‘Let there be lights in the firmament of the
heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be
for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years.”
(Genesis 1:14)
“The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to
blood, before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes.”
(Joel 2:31)
“And the Lord spoke unto Moses, saying, Speak unto
the Children of Israel, and say unto them, these are my
appointed festivals, which you shall proclaim to be
sacred assemblies, they are my appointed feasts.”
(Leviticus 23:1,2)

Every year there are between two and five lunar eclipses. Most lunar eclipses are partial, a total lunar eclipse is significantly less common, usually occurring every 3-4 years. When a lunar eclipse does take place, a totally
eclipsed moon is called a ‘blood moon’ due to its reddish color. If the earth had no atmosphere, the moon would be completely dark during an eclipse.
The effect of the sunlight passing through the earth’s atmosphere causes sunsets to turn the sky a reddish color and cause the moon to appear red ona total lunar eclipse.


What is even more uncommon than a total lunar eclipse, or a blood moon,is a series of them. When four total lunar eclipses take place without any partial lunar eclipses in between, it is called a ‘Tetrad’. Tetrads are rare, having
only occurred 54 times in the last 2015 years, however we are now in the middle of what NASA is referring to as the “2014-2015 tetrad”.

“The most unique thing about the 2014-2015 tetrad is that all of them are visible for all or parts of the USA,” says longtime NASA eclipse expert Fred Espenak.

THE 2014-2015 TETRAD
The Jewish calendar is a lunar calendar, so every Jewish month begins with a new moon. As a result, Jewish holidays move around the secular calendar.
For example, according to the Bible, Passover takes place on the “14th day of the first month” known as Nissan. However, in some years Passover
occurs in March and other years it occurs in April. Amazingly, all four Blood Moons of the 2014-2015 tetrad overlap with Biblical festivals.
1st Lunar Eclipse
April 15th, 2014
(Passover 5774)
2nd Lunar Eclipse
October 8th, 2014
(Sukkot/Tabernacles 5774)
3rd Lunar Eclipse
April 4th, 2015
(Passover 5775)
4th Lunar Eclipse
September 28th, 2015
(Sukkot/Tabernacles 5775)

A total lunar eclipse is rare, a series of uninterrupted lunar eclipses is even more rare, and for the tetrad to overlap with Biblical festivals is exceedingly
rare. However, this exceedingly rare occurrence has occurred in history. Each time has been during a period of great significance in Jewish history. In the past 500 years, only three tetrads have overlapped with Jewish Festivals:
1493-1494: 1492 was the final year of the Spanish Inquisition, the devastating expulsion of Jews from Spain, and the year America was discovered by Christopher Columbus, who according to many, was Jewish
and looking for a new home for his persecuted brethren.
1949-1950: 1948 was the year the State of Israel was founded, the first Jewish commonwealth in 2,000 years and the miraculous return to their Biblical inheritance. That same year the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered,
the earliest Biblical manuscripts to be unearthed.
1967-1968: 1967 was the year of the 6 Day War when Israel defended herself against the attack of 5 Arab nations, liberating Jerusalem and the Biblical lands of Judea and Samaria. Against ominous military challenges,
the Jewish State greatly enlarged her small borders.
Blood Moons eBook 9

According to many Bible believers, the 500 year pattern of tetrads overlapping with Jewish Festivals means that there is great significance to the 2014-2015 period we now live in. The last three examples demonstrate a pattern of Jewish persecution followed by miraculous intervention where God rescues Israel from danger and leads the Jewish people to safety and vibrancy.
The Jewish people today are confronted with genocidal threats from a nuclear Iran, brutal terrorism from Islamic Jihadists, and isolation from the liberal, western world. The pattern of persecution and danger is there, but
will the pattern continue and will we be blessed to see God’s miraculous intervention and restoration of Israel once again?

Root Source co-founder Bob O’Dell, who has studied lunar and solar astronomical events for more than 35 years, discovered that two weeks before the Passover Blood Moon, an exceedingly rare solar eclipse will be taking place. There will be a total eclipse of the sun for two minutes over the North Pole on Friday, March 20, the day of the Spring Equinox which coincides with the beginning of the Hebrew month of Nissan, the first month in the Biblical calendar year, a solar occurrence that has never
happened before in human history.
“The concurrence and rarity of this natural event, together with the times in which we live, indicates the finger of God,” said Gidon Ariel, an Israeli Orthodox Jew and co-founder of Root Source. A total solar eclipse at
the North Pole on the first day of spring occurs once every 100,000 years.
For it to occur on the first day of the first month of the Biblical calendar year is, however, entirely unprecedented since this is only the year 5775 according to Jewish tradition, meaning that there has never been such a
solar occurrence in human history.

The skies over the North Pole will darken for two minutes on Friday, March 20th at 10:18 AM Greenwich Mean Time (worldwide local times are available
here). Root Source is calling all Jews and Christians around the world to stop what they are doing for two minutes and pray over Isaiah 11:9:
“None will harm or destroy another on My entire holy mountain, for the land will be as full of the knowledge of the LORD as the sea is filled with water.”
“I invite Jews and Christians worldwide to join me at that exact moment, and to speak Isaiah 11:9 out loud as a prayer in your native language. May God
hear and quickly answer the combined prayers of all of us around the world.”
– Gidon Ariel

“As we clearly stand on the brink of momentous times, God directed Gidon and I to Isaiah 11:9 for it describes God’s glory covering the earth and the sea
which perfectly describes this solar eclipse appearing over land and water.”
– Bob O’Del

Prophecy: The Next 18 Mos Will Determine the Course of This Nation

Jennifer LeClaire
In 2007, the Lord woke me in the middle of the night to share His heart about this nation—and His intentions. You can read the entire prophecy here, but the bottom line is He wants us to repent and He wants to bring a Third Great Awakening to America.
That’s not going to happen without intercessors making an appeal to heaven. It’s not going to happen without praying churches—and praying pastors—crying out to God day and night, night and day. It’s not going to happen if we submit ourselves to a Jezebelic White House that’s endorsing immorality and idolatry.
But I believe it is going to happen because I see intercessors making an appeal to heaven. I see praying churches—and praying pastors—crying out to God day and night, night and day. And I see people like Franklin Graham dropping a plumb line in our nation (which is why I recently called for urgent intercession over him).
In December, the Lord spoke something more to me while I was on an early morning prayer call. He told me our labor in the Spirit over the next 18 months will determine the course of this nation. Strong words, I know, but I believe them with every fiber of my being. Here’s the entire prophecy:
“The church has modeled the government instead of the government modeling the church. There are strife and division in the government. There are strife and division in the church. There are corruption and scandal in the government. There are corruption and scandal in the church. There are politics and merchandising in the government. There are politics and merchandising in the church.
“These things ought not be so. The church at large has submitted to the government and its ways but the government should be accountable to the church. It’s time to turn the world upside down, not for the glory of a president but for the glory of the risen King.
“So rise up. Rise up now in the authority of My Spirit and wake up the church with My love. Reform and transform the church with My truth. And then turn your attention to your government. Pray without ceasing according to the assignment I have given you and you will see My power work to bring the change you have been hoping and believing for.
“Don’t give up now. Many are standing for you and the great cloud of witnesses is in agreement with you. Continue pressing in and refuse to submit to the ungodly. Your labor in the Spirit over the next 18 months will determine the course of the nation. Watch and pray. Pray without ceasing. Cooperate with My Spirit. Listen to My voice. Execute My plan. Don’t give up.”
I don’t know about you, but that stirs me to intercede for the church—and for the nation. While writing The Next Great Move of God: An Appeal to Heaven for Spiritual Awakening, I spoke with leaders from many camps in the body of Christ—folks who don’t always agree on much beyond Jesus as Lord—and they all agreed on this: Judgment is here and an awakening is emerging. The question is how severe must the judgment become before the America fully wakes up.
I believe we need to do what the Spirit of God told me: “Rise up now in the authority of My Spirit and wake up the church with My love. Reform and transform the church with My truth. And then turn your attention to your government. Pray without ceasing according to the assignment I have given you and you will see My power work to bring the change you have been hoping and believing for.”
God wants to bring an awakening. In fact, I see pockets of revival and awakening in cities across America. I’ve never been more hopeful. God is not done with America. It’s up to us to get in agreement with His Spirit and pray in the next great move of God that sweeps the nation.
Jennifer LeClaire is senior editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and author of several books, including The Next Great Move of God: An Appeal to Heaven for Spiritual Awakening, Mornings With the Holy Spirit, Listening Daily to the Still Small Voice of God, The Making of a Prophet and Satan’s Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft. You can visit her website here: You can also join Jennifer on Facebook or follow her on Twitter.


Syndicated News
Advocate for Christians (and Others) Persecuted By the Islamic State
By Marv Knox

Silvana holds a picture of her sister Sandi who was killed by an ISIS bomb while riding the bus to university. Threatened with death by ISIS, Silvana is now in hiding (Photo: 21st Century Wilberforce Initiative).Christians and other religious minorities in northern Iraq face extermination if people of faith in America and elsewhere in the West fail to speak up on their behalf.
A new religious liberty group, the 21st Century Wilberforce Initiative, conducted a fact-finding trip to the region early this year and then released a sobering report. “Edge of Extinction” documents the attempted genocide of Christians, Yezidis, Shabaks and other religious minorities by the Islamic State.
The toll of hostility toward Christians in the region already has been devastating, noted Wilberforce President Randel Everett, former executive director of the Baptist General Convention of Texas Executive Board.
“A decade ago, Iraq’s Christian population numbered 1.5 million,” Everett said. “Today, roughly 300,000 remain, and most have no jobs, no schools and no places of worship.”
The violence against Christians and other ethno-religious groups, such as the Yezidis and Shabak, escalated with the rise of the Islamic State early last summer. The city of Mosul, just across a river from the biblical city of Nineveh in northern Iraq, fell to the Islamic State.
“Christians were ordered to leave lands that had been their home for thousands of years,” the Wilberforce group reported. “Those remaining were issued a stark choice–convert to Islam, pay the (Muslim) Jizya tax or die.”
Christians, others in grave peril
By late summer, the Islamic State extended its control across the greater Nineveh Plain. Tens of thousands of Christians and other minorities fled as the Peshmerga, the Kurdistan Regional Government’s military force, abandoned them.
Wilberforce investigators found no evidence Christians in the region ever committed acts of terror. They are not led by warlords; they don’t operate militias. Still, they suffer grievously.
The Islamic State forces murdered men, raped women and girls, and kidnapped children. The death and refugee tolls escalated.
To illustrate the persecution, “Edge of Extinction” tells the story of a Christian couple in northern Iraq:
“After IS (Islamic State) seized Mosul, one Christian husband attempted to take his wife of 28 years to Mosul so that she could continue to receive treatment for breast cancer. When they arrived at the hospital, they were met by an IS guard who refused to allow them entrance because they were Christian. They were told the price for entrance and medical treatment was conversion to Islam.
“The wife responded: ‘I am not going to leave the cross of Christ. I will not abandon it. For me, a love of life is not as important as the faith. The desire to go on living is not as important as my faith.’
“The couple … returned to their small village about 16 miles away. Ten days later, she passed away with her husband and 19-year-old and 8-year-old sons at her bedside.”
These were her final words: “I am going to hold onto the cross of Christ. I refuse to convert. I prefer death. I prefer death to abandoning my religion and my faith.”
Church turned into torture chamber
The Wilberforce group learned the Islamic State converted an 800-year-old church into a torture chamber. A 150-year-old church was turned into a prison. And another now warehouses weapons.
The United Nations’ high commissioner for human rights also has documented “widespread ethnic and religious cleansing” in the region.
“The violations include targeted killings, forced conversions, abductions, trafficking, slavery, sexual abuse, destruction of places of religious and cultural significance, and the besieging of entire communities because of ethnic, religious or sectarian affiliation,” Commissioner Navi Pillay said. “Among those directly targeted have been Christians, Yezidi, Shabaks, Turkomen, Kaka’e and Sabaens.”
But for the most part, Christians in the West have turned a blind eye, the Wilberforce Initiative’s team noted.
“After a flurry of initial news coverage in August, the story of the men, women and children–whose lives were upended, homes confiscated and dignity assaulted–virtually disappeared from the public eye,” the Wilberforce report said.
The West has done little
“With some notable exceptions, those living in the West have said or done little in the face of the crisis facing the minority communities in Iraq. There is a pervasive feeling of abandonment among these beleaguered men and women of faith who cannot comprehend why burning churches, forced conversions and the emergence of a caliphate in the cradle of Christendom is not being met with urgency and action by people of similar faiths in the West.”
The Wilberforce Initiative has proposed six recommendations to counteract “the destruction of ancient faith communities” in northern Iraq:
• Establish a Nineveh Plains Province “uniquely designed for Christians, Yezidis and other besieged minorities.” This would enable them to live peacefully in the land their ancestors have occupied for hundreds of years.
• Provide support for the new Nineveh Protection Unit, a national guard that can defend the province. This is necessary, since neither the Iraqi army nor the Peshmerga militia has stood with the people.
• Return property confiscated by the Islamic State–such as homes and churches–to its rightful owners.
• Encourage and strengthen the Kurdistan Regional Government’s “efforts to build a context of civil discourse, freedom of religion, human rights protections and the inclusion of all minorities.”
• Provide and support “ongoing and immediate humanitarian aid” from the United Nations but also from nongovernmental organizations, such as Samaritan’s Purse. The needs include both education and health care.
• Prosecute the Islamic State and its leaders for war crimes and genocide. The relevant authorities for such action include the United Nations, the International Criminal Court and the U.S. State Department.

Over 200 Groups That Openly Display an Antichrist Spirit

antiAFA added in an Action Alert yesterday to its one million-plus friends and supporters that some members of these groups have committed violent crimes against Christians and faith-based groups. Physical and profane verbal assaults against Christians are also methods frequently exercised as angry methods of intimidation.
To view the anti-Christian groups by state, visit AFA also distributes a weekly email alerting Christians of the top anti-Christian bigotry stories across the country and how they can take action.

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