Monthly Archives: December 2015

Federal machine-gun ban under legal challenge

Federal machine-gun ban under legal challenge Just as Barack Obama is plotting to create more limits on firearms, ammunition and the like

Federal machine-gun ban under legal challenge2015-12-24T22:19:50-06:00

Judgment Day for Christians who actually believe

Judgment Day for Christians who actually believe Actor Jim Caviezel portraying Jesus in “The Passion of the Christ.” The fight apparently isn’t

Judgment Day for Christians who actually believe2015-11-26T19:31:10-06:00

Military warned over Bible-verse court-martial

Military warned over Bible-verse court-martial Monifa Sterling A warning is being delivered to the U.S. military for court-martialing Lance Cpl. Monifa Sterling

Military warned over Bible-verse court-martial2015-12-24T10:22:00-06:00

A serious request for Marco Rubio

A serious request for Marco Rubio Dear Sen. Rubio: A recent guest on my radio show urged me to “follow the money

A serious request for Marco Rubio2015-12-24T13:45:39-06:00
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