Monthly Archives: December 2015

Obama signature on present Middle East ‘chaos’

Obama signature on present Middle East ‘chaos’ Thousands of refugees flee Syria (Photo: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) The civil war

Obama signature on present Middle East ‘chaos’2015-12-26T21:36:35-06:00

Muslim of the Year

Muslim of the Year As we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and rejoice in the greatness of His and

Muslim of the Year2015-12-26T11:18:24-06:00

Is Obama at War With Us

This article is not about Obama. He is mentioned in it.  He is accused in it—he is the villain of it—but it

Is Obama at War With Us2015-11-28T12:17:52-06:00

Will Congress declare war on ISIS?

Will Congress declare war on ISIS? U.S. Congress WASHINGTON – It’s no longer just French President Francois Hollande calling for all-out war

Will Congress declare war on ISIS?2015-11-29T11:57:09-06:00

Chicago protesters attack Christmas tree

Chicago protesters attack Christmas tree Protesters tore at a Christmas tree in Chicago. (Credit: Twitter) Chicago protesters, angry at the fatal police

Chicago protesters attack Christmas tree2015-11-26T19:33:34-06:00

The ‘hate Israel’ crusade

The ‘hate Israel’ crusade A recent ADL global study on anti-Semitism found that more than a quarter of the world’s population harbors

The ‘hate Israel’ crusade2015-12-20T17:46:29-06:00
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