(continued from Article II)

The first four Kingdoms as described by Daniel have come into being and have eventually fallen. Historical review reveals the blessings coming to these Kingdoms as they blessed Israel and the ending of these Kingdoms as they cursed Israel – see Genesis 12.

 The biblical book of DANIEL is a extensive revelation and a complete description from God of every event to take place in the history of Israel (with resultant “spillover” to Gentile nations), to the end of this age. It was of course a prophecy, i.e. these events had not yet happened at that time.

 This writer had a particular problem in understanding Daniel Chapter 9 and was always left with 490 years after reading verse 25. After looking through  20 or so books on Daniel and the End Times, and after several months of off and on searching the Internet, the answer was finally found on the following non-christian Internet question and answer site:: https://www.quora.com/In-Daniel-9-25-why-are-the-69-weeks-broken-up-into-7-weeks-and-62-weeks?share=1

 Unfortunately the answer is simply to large to include here and must be placed as Addendum I at the end of this writing – (Article III).

A condensed summary of the seven seven’s – (missing years) as per www.quora.com would be:

 1) Malachi, a Prophet speaks of Messiah (Mal 4:4–6) and the first Seven Seven’s (which God is “silent” about) end.

2) After Malachi’s prophecy there are 400 Prophetic Years of Silence.

3) An angel announces a “Deliverer and Redeemer” (Yeshua/Jesus – like unto Moses who – Deut 18:15 who IS God’s Son and “as God”) and a Prophet (John the Baptist – an Elijah to come – Mal 4:4–6; Mat 11:14) who was his “brother” (cousin)… like Aaron was to Moses! They are both blood relations! (See Luke 1)

 This Midrashic Pattern then connects the Tanakh (Old Testament) to the B’rit Chadasha (New Testament) in the exact same way that God connects Genesis to Exodus!

(Note: According to the freedictionary.com, a Midrashic Pattern is:

  1. an early Jewish interpretation of or commentary on a Biblical text.
  2. (cap.) a collection of such commentaries, esp. those written in the first ten centuries A.D.) Also see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midrash

 Back to Daniel:

Scripture: “Da 9:1 In the first year of Darius son of Xerxes (a Mede by descent), who was made ruler over the Babylonian kingdom– (Writer insert-Babylon had been conquered).

2 in the first year of his reign, I, Daniel, understood from the Scriptures, according to the word of the LORD given to Jeremiah the prophet, that the desolation of Jerusalem would last seventy years.”

Daniel (first noted above as a dream interpreter), understood the time of Israel‘s captivity to be over.

 Daniel correctly regarded the prophecies of Jeremiah as coming directly from God. Daniel (who was now about 90 years of age) began to pray and fast. He repented personally and nationally for Israel and was visited by the Angel Gabriel, who provided him with many prophetic future happenings for the Israelites.

 The Three-In-One God is a God of numbers, who (to this writer), apparently uses the number seven extensively.  This numbering very possibly began with the creation of this Universe in seven days. However, confusion is often found in those who come across Daniel and the seven sevens, as it did to this writer.

 It should be noted God excludes times of discipline to His people in measuring time on earth. In addition these are God’s Lunar years of 360 days per year or 30 days a month. To obtain the correct year for Yeshua (Jesus) to proclaim Himself as King of the Jews, (see Dan 9:25). 62 weeks of years is prophesied = 483 years (from the time of a final decree to rebuild Jerusalem) which is the exact time Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey that had never been ridden before. (see complete scripture – below).

 Why did Jesus ride on a donkey?: A reputable website (https://amazingbibletimeline.com/blog/why-did-christ-ride-a-donkey-on-his-triumphant-entry/)  states the following:  

“One: Smaller than horses and gifted with cautiousness, that can sometimes be mistaken for stubbornness, donkeys were not usually used during times of war. Zechariah 9:9 prophesied the coming of a king “righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.”

Second, in the ancient Biblical world, a leader rode on a horse if he was coming in war and a donkey to signify peace.

Third, Jesus used the donkey to connect with the common people.  Life was also not easy for a Jew living under Roman rule in the 1st century—more so for the poor. But Jesus embraced the poor and sick people during his time here on earth. His choice of a donkey instead of a horse was God’s way of saying that he came as a King who will serve and save the oppressed.”

 In the sixth century BC, God was giving Daniel a timeline for what was going to come and the amount of time that it would take.  Today, we have an advantage in looking at these words through the lens of history and understand, as noted above, that some of this prophecy has already been fulfilled.

 Scripture: “Da 9:24 “Seventy ‘sevens’ are decreed for your people and your holy city to finish transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy.

 25 “Know and understand this: From the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One, the ruler, comes, there will be seven ‘sevens,’ and sixty-two ‘sevens.’ It will be rebuilt with streets and a trench, but in times of trouble.

 26 After the sixty-two ‘sevens,’ the Anointed One will be cut off (writer insert context=cut off meant killed at the time) and will have nothing. The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end will come like a flood: War will continue until the end, and desolations have been decreed.

 Question: Who destroyed the city and the sanctuary (vs.26)?  Answer: The Romans.

Question: Who of potential Roman descent is the ruler who will come?  Answer: The Final Antichrist.

 27 He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’ In the middle of the ‘seven’ he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on a wing of the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him.”(NIV)

Note: “the Anointed One” refers to Yeshua (Jesus) as do the words Messiah/Messhiah and the Greek “Christos” or (English = Christ, all of which mean the same thing: Anointed One.


The Jews were disciplined with God allowing them to be taken to Babylon.

God worked through a pagan King called Cyrus to issue a decree to release the Jews back to Israel. Eventually after some other Kings, another decree was given with finances, materials, soldiers for protection and complete authoritarian help. The reader may now skip to page 13.)

 Upon the proclamation of release, first by Cyrus (Persian Empire) after he had conquered Babylon, a number of delays occurred. Eventually a King named Artaxerxes issues a proclamation to build both the Temple and the walls of Jerusalem. According to the following website: (https://www.gotquestions.org/Artaxerxes-in-the-Bible.html,) “this King was a son of King Xerxes (Ahasuerus) and is often referred to as Artaxerxes I Longimanus.

 Two other Prophets of God named Ezra and Nehemiah both traveled from Persia (now called Iran) to Jerusalem from the court of Artaxerxes. Although he saw several insurrections over the course of his reign, Artaxerxes’ rule is generally regarded as a peaceful one. Due to his tolerant policy toward the Jews in his realm, Artaxerxes played a key role in the rebuilding of the temple and the wall of Jerusalem.”

Prior to this Cyrus returned the articles Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon had stolen from the temple, and he also decreed that the Israelites be given generous gifts from their Persian houses (Ezra 1:4–11). When some of the Israelites arrived in Jerusalem, led by Zerubbabel, they immediately began to rebuild the temple and surrounding city (Ezra 3).”

 “In the seventh year of his reign, Artaxerxes allowed Ezra the priest to take as many Israelites as he wished back to Jerusalem, even providing gold and silver for the people to purchase offerings and whatever else was needed for the temple” (Ezra 7:11–20). In addition, he decreed that it was unlawful for anyone to levy any taxes on the Levites, priests, or any others serving in the temple.” (Note: Temple – not Walls).    (https://www.gotquestions.org/Artaxerxes-in-the-Bible.html)

 Up until this time as the Israelites worked on the repairs, “they faced great opposition from people in the surrounding lands (Ezra 4:1–5). This adversity continued up to King Artaxerxes’ reign” (Ezra 4:5–6). At that time, dissenters by the names of Bishlam, Mithredath, and Tabeel wrote a letter to Artaxerxes, leveling accusations against the Jews and claiming that the Jews would no longer pay taxes to the Persian Empire. Concerned, Artaxerxes immediately ordered that the repairs be halted and allowed the dissenters to send their forces to Jerusalem.”

 Some commentators assume the Artaxerxes mentioned in Ezra 4 was actually a different person from the Artaxerxes mentioned in Ezra 7. “According to this theory, the first Artaxerxes was a usurper to the Persian throne and identified in other historical records as Smerdis, who only ruled for eight months. The main problem with this theory is that there is no known historical document that identifies Smerdis with Artaxerxes. A more likely explanation is that Artaxerxes simply had a change of heart toward the Jews, based on evidence of the Jews’ peaceful intentions in Jerusalem.”

 Historically there were at least two and possibly three Kings named Artaxerxes, which meant (One), or in today’s vernacular “Number 1”.

 In the twentieth year of his reign, Artaxerxes noticed that his trusted cupbearer, Nehemiah, was downcast.

 Servants were to maintain a pleasing countenance in the king’s presence, and so Nehemiah was technically breaking the law by looking sad. But Artaxerxes was merciful and asked Nehemiah to explain why he was troubled (Nehemiah 2:2). Nehemiah may have been born in Persia, but his heart belonged in his homeland, and he was grieved when a report reached him saying that Jerusalem’s walls were still in rubble almost 100 years after Cyrus had allowed the Israelites to return to their land (Nehemiah 1:1–4).

 After consulting the Lord, Nehemiah spoke to King Artaxerxes and requested leave to go repair the walls. Artaxerxes not only granted Nehemiah’s request, but he also wrote letters to ensure Nehemiah’s safe passage.” Why did Nehemiah “consult the Lord”? Answer: To see if he would be killed for coming into the King’s presence without a smile.

 The rebuilding is also chronicled in the book of Nehemiah.

 Various writers  seem to feel the Israelites had become “rooted” in their often fairly comfortable captivity in Babylon and no longer felt the pride of living in their own land given to them by God.

 If the words “RETURN FROM BABYLON TIMELINES” are used these timelines can be found on the Internet.

 The gap between the 483 years and the “still to come”  last seven years of the age, is often referred to as “the Time of the Church”.

 Why is there a “Time of the Church”?  The vast majority of the Jews rejected Jesus as Messiah (having been taught of Messiah coming only once) and after the pagan Roman Empire conquered Israel, destroying the Temple and capturing a considerable number of Jews as slaves, God scattered the majority of the Jews throughout the nations of the earth. This is often referred to as the Diaspora.

 As noted above, using the Jewish custom of a 360-day Lunar year, 483 years after 445 B.C. places us at A.D. 30, coinciding exactly with Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem (Matthew 21:1-9). Or 33 to 33.5 years per other sources, “context” showing one could not be called Rabbi or Teacher, unless one was at least 30 years of age.

 After observing Passover for the last time with His disciples, (as per Matthew, Mark and Luke), Jesus was quickly handed over to the authorities and crucified. This latter is noted in Daniel 9:26 “the Anointed One will be cut off” – killed.

The next line speaks of the Romans destroying Jerusalem and the Sanctuary as prophesied by Jesus.

 However, prior to the destruction of the Temple, not all Jews rejected the only way to Paradise, (John 14:6 “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.) The disciples waited as Jesus instructed them, prior to His ascension, and exactly fifty days after the resurrection  Holy Spirit God was poured out on these disciples and they all spoke in different languages (tongues). At this time a  religious holiday was being observed – (Feast of Weeks -fifty – also called Pentecost (Greek for five to the 10th power-Pente), Peter began to speak to the Jews who had come from all over the world to Jerusalem to observe the festival (commanded by God in Exodus 23, Exodus 24, Leviticus 16, Numbers 28, and Deut. 16

 “Context” in examining the Scriptures is an absolute necessity. It was a Jewish custom at the time for the bridegroom to give the father of the bride-to-be, a dowry, or in the current American culture an “engagement gift”. Assuming the bride-to-be said yes to the bridegroom, depending on the financial condition of the bridegroom, a great gift would be given, at times a lifetime of the prospective bridegrooms wages to take care of his fiancé if he were killed.

The engagement gift of Jesus to His bride (those who follow/believe in Him-John 3:3) was Holy Spirit God, who lives in each believer. Also see Luke 11: 11-13 which seems to instruct the disciples to ask the Father God for this Holy Spirit.

 Upon hearing Peter speak in the natural amphitheater of the Temple proper, (Acts 2) 3000 Jews believed, were filled with the Holy Spirit, spoke in tongues, repented, were baptized with water as a sign of repentance using about 100 “Ritual Bathing” baths available near the Temple Mount. These baths were necessary due to the “RULES of God” found in Leviticus 11:28; 14:1-9; 15:1-31, Deuteronomy 23:10, 11.

 Notable is the fact the 3000 Jews who heard were from all over the world:

Ac 2:7 Utterly amazed, they asked: “Are not all these men who are speaking Galileans?

 8 Then how is it that each of us hears them in his own native language?

 9 Parthians, Medes and Elamites; residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia,

 10 Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya near Cyrene; visitors from Rome

 11 (both Jews and converts to Judaism); Cretans and Arabs– we hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues!”

 Kindly note verse 10 above – visitors might mean Jews or proselytes to Judaism. In any case the knowledge of the first coming of Messiah (and His gift of the Holy Spirit) was taken back to pagan Rome as well as all the nations listed.

 Looking back to Daniel’s interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream  as given to him by God, the next (third) Kingdom would be the one of Bronze, which was Greece. Xerxes The Great, (another Persian ruler) insulted Greece with various invasions and eventually the Persian Empire was conquered by Alexander the Great.  

 Scripture: Da 11:2 “Now then, I tell you the truth: Three more kings will appear in Persia, and then a fourth, who will be far richer than all the others. When he has gained power by his wealth, he will stir up everyone against the kingdom of Greece.

When Alexander The Great visited/conquered Jerusalem, the high priest showed him the Bible prophecies Da 11:3 “Then a mighty king will appear, who will rule with great power and do as he pleases.”  The priest told  Alexander, “these prophecies are about you!”

Alexander left Israel alone, with only minimal requirements.

 Alexander The Great died very young and his Kingdom was divided between four of his General’s.

ADDENDUM I (see end for referral site)

In Daniel 9:25, why are the 69 weeks broken up into 7 weeks and 62 weeks?

Michael Harris

Minister (2007-present)

Updated July 28, 2019

This is a great question and one which is overlooked! Why didn’t God just say there would be Sixty-nine Sevens? This is what everyone teaches. Why the “Seven Seven’s and Sixty-two Sevens?” The prophecy simply does not say why these first “Seven Sevens” are there! And, as best I can see the question is still not being answered here, but rather it is being avoided because no one wants to say, “I don’t know.”

 Again, the plain truth is… God does not say. He just throws the time of “Seven Seven’s” out there. Yet, this is clearly very important! It is likewise designed to attract our attention and be an event that would not be missed by the Jews.

 One could even say it would be of epic proportion! In fact, God didn’t need to say what would fulfill this time because there was no way it would be missed! The fulfillment of the event should also somehow link to, mark and identify Israel‘s true Messiah. It should, therefore, be prophetic in nature. So also, when the truth of this fulfillment is discovered, it should harmonize with all of Scripture and provide further truth which explains things which we did not understand.

 The date that you start this prophecy from… will determine what time you look for this answer. If you start it in 456 B.C. (as put forward by some), you will be searching for an answer in 407 B.C. (456 – 49 = 407) which is 49 years or “Seven Sevens” from the date it began. What you will then discover, is that there is nothing of any historical or Scriptural significance there! So, we are left without explanation based on the theory of the Seventy Sevens having begun in 456 B.C. and ending in A.D. 28 (69 Sevens or 483 Years using 365 day years).

 While there are many issues with this dating and the “command” of Cyrus marking the beginning of the prophecy, that is not the question here before us and we are going to focus on the question at hand… “Why are there Seven Sevens?”

 There are numerous speculations surrounding this question. However, every speculation we have encountered has been completely lacking any scriptural or historical support. Some say, “The building of Jerusalem was completed” or “The building of the temple was completed.” But, when is any city ever “complete?”

 And the temple would be considered “complete” once cleansed and put into use… which occurred long before this time. In the same way, many speculate that the final Seventieth Seven began in the first century… or was even completed in A.D. 70. Such “theories” (and there are many) utilize non-literal “spiritual” or “allegorical” methods of interpretation to create such fulfillment. Such interpretations violate Scripture… for all prophecy must be literally fulfilled in the sight of men (Deut 18:22).

 This is the first law of interpretation (Pashat) as held by all the Hebrew sages dating back thousands of years and is never to be violated. The B’rit Chadash (New Testament) confirms this in telling us that no prophecy is a matter of private interpretation (2 Pet 1:20).

 So, here is an interpretation of the first Seven Seven’s which will accomplish the following seven things: 1) Literal and uses independent verifiable dates (they are not our dates), 2) Finds a fulfillment that is in harmony with the prophecy (in this case “Silence” is the key), 3) Provides the REQUIRED verifiable “Midrashic Pattern” for all prophetic fulfillments (Ecc 1:9–10, 3:15), 4) Uses the Hebrew Gematria to show harmony and support, 5) The proposed fulfillment explains other things in Scripture which were mysteries (Truth always reveals more truth), 6) adds nothing to… or takes anything away from Scripture, and 7) it confirms and/or reveals the Messiah in a way not seen before. Most other theories have failed at #1 and we have only been able to accomplish all of the above in one known theory…

 Sir Robert Anderson’s theory of the “Sixty-nine Sevens” begins on Nissan 1, 445 B.C. and is found in Nehemiah 2. Here, Anderson uses the 360-Day “prophetic” year of the Genesis Flood… and arrives in Nissan of A.D. 32 at the time of Passover for the completion of the “Sixty-nine” Sevens. Now, Anderson never considered the first Seven Sevens of the prophecy, but in examining all of the various theories of the “Seventy Sevens Prophecy” we did!

 Using Anderson’s proposed theory the first “Seven Seven’s” would have brought a termination to this time in 396 B.C. And, according to two sources we located (The Annals of the World, James Ussher, Archbishop of Armagh 1658, and C.I. Scofield, The Scofield Bible, Reference Notes, 1917), a very, very interesting thing occurred at this exact time… the prophet Malachi spoke and recorded his final words in Malachi 4… completing and closing the Tanakh (Old Testament)! Now, it may not seem like it at first glance, but this was, in fact, an “Epic” event for the Jews… you see… Malachi is the last prophet of the Tanakh (Old Testament) to speak.

 For the Jews, God has been silent ever since! The question is, “Are Ussher and Scofield correct about this date?” Many other scholars would dispute this based on what they think… with some believing that “Malachi” was actually written by Ezra and there was no “Malachi.” Who is correct? We believe that the proof of the truth always lies in prophecy and in Scripture itself. And with this, we can say…

 This is what fulfilled the first Seven Sevens… and in fact, it is a perfect fit on many levels. God was “silent” about what would fulfill the first “Seven Sevens” and that “silence” is, in fact, marking God going “silent!” However, it gets much much, much better!

 For believers in Yahusha (Jesus) this is not so. They see God as speaking again 400 years later through a prophet known as John the Baptist! This is where the B’rit Chadasa (New Testament) begins! And, here we find something very interesting. We find the SAME angel (Gabriel) who delivered the Seventy Seven’s prophecy to Daniel now announcing the birth of John the Baptist to John’s father Zacharias… and again a very interesting, odd thing occurs… Zacharias doubts Gabriel and Gabriel then renders Zacharias mute!

 Why not “blind” because Zacharias refused to see… or “deaf” because Zacharias refused to hear? Why mute? Now, angels do NOTHING which God has not commanded, so therein lies the reason. Gabriel had already been told by God what Zacharias would say… and he was told by God what to do about it. Zacharias was to be “silenced” and remain “silenced” until after John was born… for the prophetic time of “God’s Silence” would not be complete until that time! You see, what connects the Tanakh (Old Testament) to the B’rit Chadasha (New Testament) is a Midrashic Pattern which was an “Epic” event for Israel… and now we will explain why God prophesied “Seven Sevens”… which was an event Israel could not miss!

The book of Genesis closes with a final prophet (Jacob) speaking in Genesis 49. This is the prophecy that identifies two Messiah’s… or two coming’s of Messiah.

 One, the Hebrew sages called “Messiah ben David” of the house of Judah. The other they called “Messiah ben Joseph.” While they saw this prophetically established in Genesis 49 they did not understand how God would bring this about.

Truly, this is the primary objective of the B’rit Chadasha (New Testament). It explains how God was (and is) fulfilling Genesis 49:8–12 (Messiah ben David – Judah’s desired King) and Genesis 49:22–26 (Messiah ben Joseph – the Suffering Servant rejected by his brothers).

 With Jacob (Israel) the final prophet speaking, God then goes silent for 400 prophetic years. This is the period that was foretold to Abraham in Genesis 15:13. After these 400 prophetic years of silence, we arrive at the Book of Exodus and we find an “angel” speaking to Moses (a deliverer and redeemer) and sending him to deliver Israel from her bondage in Egypt. However, Moses resists God… and God then appoints his brother Aaron as “a prophet” who will speak for Moses and Moses will be “as God” to Aaron and to Pharaoh (Ex 4:16, 7:1). So, here is the pattern…

 We have:

1) “A Final Prophet Speaking of Messiah Coming (Gen 49)”

2) “400 Prophetic Years of Silence by God” and

3) “An Angel Speaking with a Deliverer and Redeemer (Moses – who is “as God” to Aaron and Pharaoh) and a Prophet (Aaron – his brother) being sent to deliver and lead Israel out of bondage.

 This 400 years connects the close of the Book of Genesis to the opening of the Book of Exodus. And, THIS is EXACTLY what we find in the prophet Malachi… now compare!

 We have:

1) Malachi, a Final prophet speaks of Messiah (Mal 4:4–6) and the first Seven Seven’s (which God is “silent” about) end.

2) There are 400 Prophetic Years of Silence by God.

3) An angel announces a “Deliverer and Redeemer” (Yahusha/Jesus – like unto Moses who – Deut 18:15 who IS God’s Son and “as God”) and a Prophet (John the Baptist – an Elijah to come – Mal 4:4–6; Mat 11:14) who was his “brother” (cousin)… like Aaron was to Moses! They are both blood relations! (See Luke 1)

 This Midrashic Pattern then connects the Tanakh (Old Testament) to the B’rit Chadasha (New Testament) in the exact same way that God connects Genesis to Exodus!

 The purpose of the “Seven Sevens” was to provide the prophetic connection from the Tanakh (Old Testament) to the B’rit Chadasha (New Testament). The purpose of the “Seven Sevens” was to show Israel that it truly was God speaking again to them in the B’rit Chadasha via the Midrashic Pattern. The pattern is truly that clear. The purpose of the “Seven Sevens” was for God to once again point at His true Messiah, Yahusha… as “Messiah ben Joseph,” the prophesied Son of David and literally the “Son of Joseph” (Messiah ben Joseph).

 In all of this, do not forget one thing we mentioned earlier… it confirms what we are saying. God rendered Zacharias mute (Lk 1:1–20) at Shavuot (Pentecost) and the reason He did this was that the 400 prophetic years were not yet completed. God could not allow Zacharias to come out of the temple and speak. It would have broken the pattern. Gabriel then announces to Mary that she will give birth to Israel’s Messiah, but tells no one. Gabriel also tells her about Elizabeth having conceived. Mary then goes to Zacharias and Elizabeth (her relative) and yet still “a Redeemer” is not announced.

John is born at the time of Passover and the 400 prophetic year period of silence ends. Zacharias (the one whom God silenced) now has his speech divinely restored… and he says… “Blessed is the Lord God of Israel, For He has visited and REDEEMED His people.” (Lk 1:68). This is not a prophecy of John… but is a prophecy of Yahusha (Jesus).

 Even God’s silence can be prophetic… truly remarkable… and “Epic!” which is exactly what the first “Seven Seven’s” actually were.

 Note on the Numbers and Sequence: From a time perspective, the Holy Scriptures themselves are written in a Midrashic Pattern and actually contain three “Testaments” by God.

 The pattern is: Adam to Jacob [then, 400 Prophetic Years of Silence] Moses to Malachi [then, 400 Prophetic Years of Silence] Yahusha to the End of Time.

 “Genesis” is the 1st Testament, Exodus to Malachi is the 2nd Testament… and Matthew to Revelation is the 3rd Testament. The Hebrew Gematria (Meaning of Numbers in Scripture) would mark Genesis (Testament 1) with “Holiness and Separation,” Exodus to Malachi (Testament 2) with “Division” and Matthew to Revelation (Testament 3) with “Gathering and Resurrection.” As to the “400” years… where “40” is the number of “Testing to the Next Great Expansion” “400” is “Testing to the Next Great Expansion Multiplied and Magnified” and it is this number which separates each of the “Testaments.” And truly, this is exactly what takes place between the three testaments.

 Overall, this marks the Holy Scriptures with the number “3” which again is “Gathering and Resurrection” which is the ultimate goal and great promise of the Scriptures.

 As to the “70” Sevens. “70” is the number of “The Kingdom of God” and “7” is the number of “The Divine Completion of Time.” The first “7” Sevens, therefore, are pointing at a significant “Time which is Completed.”

 That “time” was the completion of the Tanakh (Old Testament). The “62” Sevens would point at the “Division of Fallen Man Multiplied” at a “Divine Completion of Time.” In this, the work of Yahusha (Jesus) is certainly in view… the Jews were absolutely “divided” as to who He was.

 As to the final “1” Seven, this points to “Separation to Holiness” at the “Divine Completion of Time” which is the ultimate stated goal of the “Seventy Sevens Prophecy” with “everlasting righteousness brought in” via “The Holy most Holy” (Messiah the Prince Yahusha/Jesus) being “anointed”… and crowned King of Israel… ruling and reigning on Earth.

 We firmly believe that the last part of the prophecy in Daniel 9:24 which speaks of “everlasting lasting righteousness” is a reference to the Messianic King who is called “The Lord Our Righteousness” (Jer 23:6, 33:16). The “anointing” of the “Holy most Holy” is also likewise a reference to this King being crowned on Earth… as God has His chosen kings “anointed.” 

 This act of anointing will end the final Seventieth Seven. “Messiah the Prince” was to be “cut-off” at the end of the 62 Sevens, which Yahusha (Jesus) literally fulfilled on Earth. We can… and must… understand that His being crowned King on Earth is an essential component of this prophecy that has not taken place… and lies yet in the future.

 The above has been excerpted from “This Final Generation, The Foundations of the Last Time, (C) 2007 Aman Ministries – All Rights Reserved. It is being used here by permission.

 We hope this helps all who read this to understand how all branches of prophecy consistently unite and join together to reveal the truth… which is why we have coined the phrase… “Prophecy is the proof… of the truth!”

 (See https://www.quora.com/In-Daniel-9-25-why-are-the-69-weeks-broken-up-into-7-weeks-and-62-weeks?share=1 for additional “answers”.