U.S. Catholic Bishops raking in millions in tax dollars to to colonize American towns with MUSLIM migrants posing as refugees from Middle Eastern and African countries

We are all ‘xenophobes’ now— including any governors with concerns about a state’s right to control the resettlement of expensive (and often hostile and potentially dangerous) Muslim refugees, many of whom will live on welfare for the rest of their lives, to their states.


RRW  The New  York Times continues its attacks on Red State Governors who are fighting against the wholesale dumping of unscreened Muslim migrants in their states (ny-times-editorial-board-screams-xenophobe-in-editorial-against-concerned-governors)

But there is one little line in the editorial that I found interesting, but apparently the great minds at the NY Times have no concern for the FACT that the US Conference of Catholic Bishops is deciding which refugees go where.

Who ELECTED the Bishops?


Obviously the Times doesn’t give a crap about States’ Rights or what governors think, but how can they justify the fact that NO elected official or legislative body is making a decision to foist expenses on state and local taxpayers, change the cultural make-up of American towns and possibly endanger people.

Here is the line I found so troubling, but apparently the NYT does not: ….in fact resettlement decisions are made by mainstream social agencies like the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.  (But the funding for them comes from US taxpayers)

In December, House Speaker Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) successfully pushed through Congress his $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill that will also fund visas for nearly 300,000 more Muslim migrants over the next 12 months.

The US Conference of Catholic Bishops and its subsidiaries (Catholic Charities) are federal contractors paid millions upon millions every year by YOU to resettle refugees in your communities with no opportunity for you to question those decisions.

The Founding Fathers could not have imagined such a thing when crafting our Constitution.


Have a look at a 2014 Annual Report for the USCCB Migration Fund.  Citizen taxpayers are paying the majority of the Bishops’ budget. And note that, in addition to the $79.5 million in federal grants and contracts, that the over $3 million in ‘travel loan collection fees’ is also your money (in a budget of $85.9 million).



They could not exist without their hands in your wallets!

By the way, if the lawsuit against the governor in Indiana (which the NYT crows about) is dead, there is a potentially very successful States’ Rights lawsuit that will soon (we hope) come out of Tennessee.  More here.

US spends the most on aiding Syrian Refugees while oil rich Gulf States will accept no Syrian refugees


There is no way that the US Supreme Court could ever find this arrangement ‘Constitutional’ if a case could get there.  In fact, I wonder if there is any case challenging the power of federal contractors generally on Constitutional grounds?

If this whole federal contracting business was blown to bits, we would all be a lot better off!
