Turmoil still abounds in our nation. I am hearing so many perspectives, condemnations, and prophetic words my head is almost spinning. So, I thought I would take a few moments to address our intercessors to encourage you and give you some perspective.
The “events” the Capitol were “intolerable”? I was in D.C. on Wednesday on the lawn of the Capitol for seven hours – only taking a break to go to the rally on the Ellipse. What happened on this day was a peaceful demonstration by hundreds of thousands of people who care about our nation and want free elections. They heard speakers, bought t-shirts, ate big pretzels, and went home.
This fact cannot be missed: The vast majority of the many people were peaceful protestors. I have never seen so many people in my life. If I were told there were 1 million people, there I would believe it.
A small portion of the immense crowd actually made it to the Capitol.
The crowd at the Capitol was still thousands of people—for a miraculous story in the midst of protest at the Capitol please watch this. I walked through the crowd all day long. Most were patriots asking for fair elections.
The Gospel was being preached on loudspeakers and people were blaring praise music.
But there were a small number of people who came to stir things up. I saw them yelling into the crowd around them. A small number of them were wearing helmets, vests, and knee pads as if they were readied for violence.
It was clear that some were there to create or participate in violence. Active “members” of antifa—the far-left group—were later identified by facial recognition. “Members” of the Proud Boys—a far-right group—were easy to spot because of what they wore.
The violence I witnessed personally involved 10 men wearing regular clothes (no Trump paraphernalia) who challenged the vastly outnumbered Capitol police and were eventually let through the temporary fence set up. That is when thousands stormed up the Capitol steps and when they got to the top they simply cheered!
Of the thousands on the Capitol, I would estimate I saw about 10 men who were engaged in violence, some who used self-defense batons to break the windows.
The violence of this incredibly small group, of course, should be condemned. And I do condemn it. But the question must be asked, why did the authorities just allow these bad actors – whose motives are unknown – to walk past them at the time the electoral college certification was being debated?
The Capitol Chief of Police—who reports to Congress—not the Mayor of DC, nor the Trump Administration – has resigned, and should have.
Here are my main points:
This situation should have been avoided.
Those who committed violence were not only on the right side of the political spectrum.
The violence was instigated by a tiny fraction of the people there that day.
In the back drop of our nation dealing with our Capitol being sieged, our Congress chose not to investigate the potential of voter fraud and they accepted the electoral college in the middle of the night.
For those who have prayed earnestly for the Trump administration, how are we to react? Where is God in all of this?
I am hearing people express their disappointment, describing a state of mourning. Wonderful men and women who have mustered faith and hope for months now see a distressful outcome.
Where is God in all of this? What is He up to?
Let me tell you the various things I am hearing from others:
- America is under judgment. Our lawmakers have legalized abortion on demand resulting in 60 million babies aborted. God has been merciful in past years, but now has allowed us to be led by governmental leaders who fully embrace abortion on demand, not to mention the destruction of the biblical form of marriage, scriptural sexual identity, religious freedoms, etc. The Church receives the government we deserve.
- God’s sovereign plan was for this to happen. God’s plan for this nation is sometimes influenced by people’s actions, sometimes by intercession, but we find ourselves in a situation where we are experiencing the sovereign will of God. This was His plan and destiny all along.
- Evil has won the day and, despite prayer and intercession for our leaders, the resolve to investigate potential voter fraud was not there.
- If you have a lack of faith, God will not do what He (or is it we?) want. We must have faith in order to see God’s mercy for our nation to come to pass; without our faith He will not act.
- God is still the God of turnaround, so hang on. President Trump will still be elected.
Here is what I think: God is still on the throne. Regardless of circumstances I will put my trust in Him and not earthly leaders. The short term outcome looks bleak, but the coming months will require believers to be MORE engaged in prayer and action. Church leaders will be forced to speak out against ungodly government because we are moving past disagreement on issues to potentially government-sponsored persecution. The remnant is there, and we intercessors have yet had our day. The power of intercession is yet to be realized.
Those of us who consider ourselves intercessors for America must band together, intercede with unity, commit to community, and resolve to continue to battle on our knees. Many would have preferred a different outcome, one resulting in our nation’s top leaders supporting biblical values, but we will continue to pray for godly leaders, we will intercede and strive for biblical values in our culture, and we will continue to fight the spiritual battle on our knees.
We may mourn for a brief moment, losing a hard fought battle, but we will continue in the fight until the war is won. https://ifapray.org/blog/turmoil-abounds-in-our-nation/