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Adam, the last,
1Co 15:45
1Jo 2:1
Almighty, the,
Re 1:8
Alpha and Omega,
Re 1:8; 22:13
Amen, the,
Re 3:14
Ps 2:2
Apostle, the,
Heb 3:1
Author of eternal salvation,
Heb 5:9
Author of faith,
Heb 12:2
Beginning and the end,
Re 22:13
Beginning of the creation of God,
Re 3:14
Beloved Son, my,
Mt 3:17
Beloved, my,
Mt 12:18
Branch of righteousness,
Jer 33:15
Zec 3:8; 6:12
Bread from heaven,
Joh 6:51
Bread of God,
Joh 6:33
Bread of Life,
Joh 6:35
Joh 6:41
Bright and Morning Star,
Re 22:16
Brightness of his (the Father’s) glory,
Heb 1:3
Captain of their salvation,
Heb 2:10
Carpenter, the,
Mr 6:3
Carpenter’s son,
Mt 13:55
Chief corner stone,
1Pe 2:6
Chiefest among ten thousand,
Song 5:10
Child Jesus,
Lu 2:27
Isa 9:6
Chosen of God,
1Pe 2:4
Christ Jesus,
Heb 3:1
Christ Jesus, our Lord,
1Ti 1:12
Christ of God,
Lu 9:20
Christ the chosen of God,
Lu 23:35
Christ the Lord,
Lu 2:11
Christ the Son of God,
Ac 9:20
Christ the Son of the Blessed,
Mr 14:61
Joh 6:69
Christ, a king,
Lu 23:2
Isa 55:4
Corner stone,
Isa 28:16; 1Pe 2:4
Isa 9:6
Isa 42:6
Creator and Sustainer,
Joh 1:3,10; 1Co 8:6; Col 1:16; Heb 1:2,10; Re 4:11
Jer 30:9; Eze 34:23-24; 37:24-25; Ho 3:5
Day spring,
Lu 1:78
Ac 7:35; Ro 11:26
Desire of all nations,
Hag 2:7
Door of the sheep,
Joh 10:7
Joh 10:9
Isa 42:1
Isa 7:14; Mt 1:23
Ensign of the people,
Isa 11:10
Everlasting Father,
Isa 9:6
Faithful and true witness,
Re 3:14
Faithful and true,
Re 19:11
Faithful witness,
Re 1:5
Finisher of faith,
Heb 12:2
First and Last,
Re 1:17
First begotten of the dead,
Re 1:5
First begotten,
Heb 1:6
Firstborn among many brethren,
Ro 8:29
Firstborn from the dead,
Col 1:18
Firstborn of every creature,
Col 1:15
Firstfruits of them that slept,
1Co 15:20
Heb 6:20
1Co 3:11
Fountain opened,
Zec 13:1
Friend of sinners,
Mt 11:19
Gift of God,
Joh 4:10
Glory of Israel,
Lu 2:32
God blessed forever,
Ro 9:5
God manifest in the flesh,
1Ti 3:16
God of Israel, the Savior,
Isa 45:15
God of the whole earth,
Isa 54:5
God our Savior,
1Ti 2:3
God with us,
Mt 1:23
God’s dear Son,
Col 1:13
Good Master,
Mt 19:16
Mt 2:6
Great Shepherd of the sheep,
Heb 13:20
Head of every man,
1Co 11:3
Head of the church,
Col 1:18
Head of the corner,
Mt 21:42
Heir of all things,
Heb 1:1-2
High Priest of good things to come,
Heb 9:11
High Priest,
Heb 3:1
Holy Child Jesus,
Ac 4:30
Holy One of God,
Mr 1:24
Holy One of Israel,
Isa 41:14; 54:5
Holy One,
Ps 16:10; Lu 4:34; Ac 3:14; Re 3:7
Holy thing,
Lu 1:35
Hope, our,
1Ti 1:1
Horn of salvation,
Lu 1:69
Joh 8:58
Image of God,
2Co 4:4
Image, express, of God,
Heb 1:3
Isa 7:14
Jesus Christ our Saviour,
Tit 3:6
Jesus Christ,
Mt 1:1
Jesus of Nazareth,
Mr 1:24
Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews,
Joh 19:19
Mt 1:21
Jesus, the King of the Jews,
Mt 27:37
Jesus, the Son of God,
Heb 4:14
Jesus, the son of Joseph,
Joh 6:42
Judge of quick and dead,
Ac 10:42
Just Man,
Mt 27:19
Just One,
Ac 3:14; 7:52; 22:14
Just person,
Mt 27:24
Just, the,
Ac 3:14
King for ever,
Lu 1:33
King of glory,
Ps 24:7-10
King of Israel,
Mt 2:2; Joh 1:49
King of kings,
1Ti 6:15; Re 7:14; 19:16
King of the Jews,
Mt 2:2
King of Zion,
Mt 21:5
King over all the earth,
Zec 14:9
Lu 19:38
Re 5:6
Lamb of God
Joh 1:29,36
Lamb that was slain,
Re 5:12
Isa 55:4
Joh 14:6
Life, our,
Col 3:4
Light of the Gentiles,
Isa 42:6
Light of the world,
Joh 8:12
Light, everlasting, thine,
Isa 60:20
Light, true,
Joh 1:8-9; 3:19; 8:12; 9:5; 12:35,46
Lion of the tribe of Judah,
Re 5:5
Living bread,
Joh 6:51
Mt 3:3; 22:43; 11:30
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
2Pe 1:11
Lord Christ,
Col 3:24
Lord from heaven,
1Co 15:47
Lord Jesus Christ,
2Th 3:6
Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior,
Tit 1:4
Lord Jesus,
Ac 7:59
Lord mighty in battle,
Ps 24:8
Lord of all,
Ac 10:36
Lord of glory,
1Co 2:8; Jas 2:1
Lord of hosts,
Isa 44:6
Lord of lords,
Re 17:14; 19:16
Lord of the dead and living,
Ro 14:9
Lord of the Sabbath,
Mr 2:28
Lord over all,
Ro 10:12
Lord strong and mighty,
Ps 24:8
Lord, your Holy One,
Isa 43:15
Lord, your Redeemer,
Isa 43:14
Lord’s Christ,
Lu 2:26
Man Christ Jesus,
1Ti 2:5
Man of sorrows,
Isa 53:3
Man, this,
Mr 15:39
Mt 23:10
Mediator of the New Covenant,
Heb 12:24
1Ti 2:5
Messenger of the covenant,
Mal 3:1
Joh 1:41
Messiah, the Prince,
Da 9:25
Mighty God,
Isa 9:6
Mighty One of Israel,
Isa 30:29
Mighty One of Jacob,
Isa 49:26
Mighty to save,
Isa 63:1
Morning Star,
Re 22:16
Most Holy,
Da 9:24
Most Mighty,
Ps 45:3
Mt 2:23
Offspring of David,
Re 22:16
Only begotten of the Father,
Joh 1:14
Only begotten Son,
Joh 1:18
Passover, our,
1Co 5:7
Plant of renown,
Eze 34:29
Potentate, the only,
1Ti 6:15
Power of God,
1Co 1:24
Precious corner stone,
Isa 28:16
Heb 7:17
Ac 5:31
Prince of life,
Ac 3:15
Prince of Peace,
Isa 9:6
Prince of the kings of the earth,
Re 1:5
Joh 6:14
1Jo 2:2
Joh 1:49
Joh 20:16
1Co 1:30
Joh 11:25
Righteous Branch,
Jer 23:5
Righteous Judge,
2Ti 4:8
Righteous Servant,
Isa 53:11
1Co 1:30
Rock of offence,
1Pe 2:8
1Co 10:4
Root of David,
Re 5:5
Root of Jesse,
Ro 15:12
Rose of Sharon,
Song 2:1
Ruler in Israel,
Mic 5:2
1Co 1:30
Savior of the body,
Eph 5:23
Savior of the world,
1Jo 4:14
Lu 2:11
Nu 24:17
Second man,
1Co 15:47
Seed of David,
2Ti 2:8
Seed of the woman,
Ge 3:15
Servant of rulers,
Isa 49:7
Mt 12:18
Shepherd and Bishop of your souls,
1Pe 2:25
Shepherd of Israel,
Ps 80:1
Shepherd of the sheep, that great,
Heb 13:20
Shepherd, chief,
1Pe 5:4
Shepherd, good,
Joh 10:11
Ge 49:10
Son Jesus Christ,
1Jo 3:23
Son of David,
Mt 21:9
Son of God,
Re 2:18
Son of Joseph,
Lu 3:23
Son of Man,
Joh 3:13
Son of Mary,
Mr 6:3
Son of the Blessed,
Mr 14:61
Son of the Father,
2Jo 1:3
Son of the Highest,
Lu 1:32
Son of the living God,
Mt 16:16
Son of the Most High God,
Mr 5:7
Stone of stumbling,
1Pe 2:8
Mt 21:42
Sun of Righteousness,
Mal 4:2
Sure foundation,
Isa 28:16
Surety of a better testament,
Heb 7:22
Joh 3:2
The beloved,
Eph 1:6
The man,
Joh 19:5
The only wise God, our Savior,
Jude 1:25
Tried stone,
Isa 28:16
True God,
1Jo 5:20
True vine,
Joh 15:1
Truth, the,
Joh 14:6
Unspeakable gift,
2Co 9:15
Very Christ,
Ac 9:22
Vine, the,
Joh 15:5
Way, the,
Joh 14:6
Which is…was…and is to come,
Re 1:4
Wisdom of God,
1Co 1:24
Wisdom, our,
1Co 1:30
Isa 9:6
Word of God,
Re 19:13
Word of life,
1Jo 1:1
Word, the,
Joh 1:1
Young child,
Mt 2:8-13
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