Exclusive: Mock Mass Shooting group tricks police, 16 minute response time, press 20
Police department fail, 16 minutes to respond to a mock mass shooting
AUSTIN, Tex. (INTELIHUB) — Matthew Short with DontComply.com gave an exclusive interview to Intellihub after the group’s staged mock mass shootingdemonstration on Saturday near the University of Texas campus. And what he said may shock you.
The gun rights activist group managed to trick police by dipping out during the planned protest, only to later regroup to stage the mass shooting, complete with crisis actors,on another street.
The Austin Police Department along with members of the press were tricked by the stunt and couldn’t even locate the scene of the staged mass shooting for at least 16 minutes as crisis actors demonstrated how defenseless UT campus bystanders would be hurt or killed if a real mass shooting were to actually take place.
To her credit, Molly Hennessy-Fiske, reporting for the LA Times, was the first reporter to arrive at the scene, nearly 20 minutes later, followed by a USA Today reporter then Intellihub. By that time the crisis actors had already completed four successive enactments of their skit. Mike Adams with Talk Network was already on scene filming but was attached to the group and had insider information.
The group used cardboard-cut-out guns to get their point across along with ketchup to serve as fake blood during the ingenious street play.
The Austin P.D. was duped, despite the fact that at least 50 officers were present on the streets near the mockery actively looking for the participants.
Additionally the Austin P.D. was also spotted filming protesters, taking pictures of their tattooos, faces, and logging protesters into some sort of database.
At least one member of the press, who attended the event, appeared to have heightened intelligence connections.