Monthly Archives: April 2016

1 man named best candidate to wallop radical Islam

1 man named best candidate to wallop radical Islam Former Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Mich. (Photo: Twitter) Former House Select Intelligence Committee Chairman

1 man named best candidate to wallop radical Islam2016-04-02T18:31:44-05:00

New York election disaster: Voter rolls purged

New York election disaster: Voter rolls purged Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump cast his vote in New York on Tuesday just blocks

New York election disaster: Voter rolls purged2016-04-20T08:44:23-05:00

Minnesota mosque producing radical Somali terrorists

Minnesota mosque producing radical Somali terrorists Waleed Idris al-Maneesey is a radical imam who heads up the Al-Farooq mosque in Bloomington, Minnesota,

Minnesota mosque producing radical Somali terrorists2016-04-15T15:15:11-05:00
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