Monthly Archives: March 2016

Rubio prepares to take Trump to contested convention

Rubio prepares to take Trump to contested convention Republican presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio’s top adviser huddled

Rubio prepares to take Trump to contested convention2016-02-25T20:50:24-06:00

God has coffee with Donald Trump

God has coffee with Donald Trump What would happen if Donald Trump sat down with the Creator of the universe in a

God has coffee with Donald Trump2016-03-04T20:29:08-06:00

Mexico’s Fox flips out on Trump’s border plan

Mexico’s Fox flips out on Trump’s border plan Vicente Fox (Photo: Fusion screenshot) Former Mexican president Vicente Fox flipped out on Thursday

Mexico’s Fox flips out on Trump’s border plan2016-02-25T16:02:44-06:00
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