While the US Congress welcomed the socialist Pope Francis to speak before them, the Obama administration was quietly betraying the American people (again) and acting treasonously against the US Constitution.
Mad World News reports:
The Pope has been rubbing elbows with American leaders, schmoozing with Washington’s elite, and espousing traditionally liberal talking points during highly politicized speeches, which has kept the media plenty busy covering his every move. As this has been happening, the Obama administration quietly released a man named Abdul Shalabi without anybody taking notice, until now.
Shalabi was being held at the infamous Guantanamo Bay detention facility in Cuba, so you know that he’s probably not the best person on the planet. That much is confirmed after you find out why he was put there to begin with.
Shalabi has a long resume in the world of terror, reports Derrick Wilburn for Allen West. Just how deep are his ties to terror? Well, you don’t get much more terroristic than Osama bin Laden, who Shalabi served as a bodyguard for, but it goes even deeper than that.
Shalabi was also a bodyguard for Kalid Sheik Mohammed, one of the masterminds behind the 9-11 attacks.
The Bush administration said that Shalabi was “too dangerous to release.” Well, if so, then the Bush administration should have proved their assertions, assertions I believe would have been clear and then removed Shalabi from the face of the earth.
Derrick Wilburn points out, “The very idea that this man who worked side-by-side with Osama bin Laden can somehow be ‘rehabilitated’ to no longer want to kill infidels, and, be rehabbed by the Muslim government of an Islamic nation – is beyond laughable. What does Obama think he’s going to do there now, train to become a valet? Take up needlepoint? Oh, I know, maybe open a bakery and make cakes for gay weddings.”
So, once again Barack Hussein Obama puts America in jeopardy so he can side with the Muslims, and at the same time, House Speaker John Boehner, who has engaged the fight at all since he’s been in office, retreats to a life of retirement at taxpayer’s expense. I say good riddance to Boehner, but when is Congress going to impeach the traitor-in-chief for giving aid and comfort to the enemy, including setting free a known jihadist, who will sure as the devil engage in the fight against the united States of America.
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