The Real State of the Union: A Warning for America
by Tim Groves – January 14, 2016
President Obama’s last State of the Union address described a healthy and vibrant nation with a bright future. But a closer look reveals we face major problems.
Each year, the president of the United States addresses the nation, explaining where the country is and where it is going. This week President Obama gave his last State of the Union address. He ended his address by saying, “And that’s why I stand here confident as I have ever been that the State of our Union is strong!”
Does your reading of the news and your personal experience give you confidence in the future of the United States—especially in the light of Bible prophecy?
Why is today’s America experiencing so much turmoil from within and outside its borders?
This is not a popular message, but the real roots of America’s problems are the result of our rapid moral decline and national rejection of the values and laws of God found in the Bible. Let’s take a closer look and see what the Bible says about some of the problems facing America today.
A nation living in fear
Many of the problems America is facing were not addressed during the State of the Union address. Thefear of terrorist attacks and violence within our own borders is now leading many Americans to buy guns for protection. Yet fear is also leading the government to tighten up gun control laws. For further insight into this issue, read “Gun Violence in America: God Isn’t Fixing This?”
Fear of violence affects our lives in many ways. For instance, when we fly on an airplane or enter a government building, extra security measures have been added—based on fear of an attack.
When I last went to my child’s elementary school, I had to press a button and identify myself to be permitted entry. Then I was in an isolated room and had to walk up to a security window and get approved to enter the school’s hallway. It felt like I was entering a prison!
This is what fear has done to us. We have become prisoners of our own fear. God declares that when we reject Him, terror and fear will consume us (Leviticus 26:16-17, 37).
A nation divided
During his speech, President Obama touched on the deep political divisions in the U.S. But the divisions that are polarizing America go far deeper than just politics. Racial tensions are now seemingly out of control, with multiple American cities experiencing riots in the past year. For further insight into the issue of race in America, read “Race Riots in Ferguson.”
Abortion is another extremely volatile topic that divides America. For further insight, read “Their Blood Cries Out.”
The issue of immigration is another divisive issue—made more complicated by the Syrian refugee crisisand the Mexican drug trade.
Instead of looking to God for guidance and answers, America rejects God’s revelation. In the absence of God’s authority, we are cursed with division, polarization and increasing lawlessness (Matthew 24:12; 2 Timothy 3:1-4).
This is not a popular message, but the real roots of America’s problems are the result of our rapid moral decline and national rejection of the values and laws found in the Bible.A nation financially bankrupt
During his speech, President Obama said that America has the strongest and most durable economy in the world.
As of this writing, America is in debt to the tune of almost $19 trillion, and that amount increases over $2 billion every day! In addition to the government debt, the average American household has $7,281 in credit card debt alone!
Debilitating debt is another curse for rejecting God (Deuteronomy 28:44).
A nationmorally bankrupt
Not only are our finances in shambles, according to biblical standards, our morality is deplorable. Just this year, the U.S. Supreme Court changed the definition of marriage in rejection of the biblical standards. We are also seeing a strong push to promote the rights of individuals to change their sex, with some schools and businesses being pushed to allow people of one biological gender to use the facilities of the gender they identify with.
Magazines, movies and TV shows are laced with sexually explicit images—using sexual desire to entice purchases.
God said that abandoning His laws would lead us to become worse than the immoral cities of Sodom and Gomorrah (Ezekiel 16:48-50, 59; Jude 1:7).
A nation losing pride
In his address, President Obama also said that “the United States of America is the most powerful nation on Earth. Period.” By many measures, that statement is still true. But there are many signs that we are in decline. America doesn’t seem to be able to use its military effectively to bring change to troubled spots on earth, and it is increasingly not feared by other nations (such as Russia, Syria and North Korea).
God declared that another curse for rejecting Him would be a loss of the pride of our power (Leviticus 26:19).
America’s only hope
The United States experienced great blessings in its prime. But the issues we are facing now indicate that God may be removing the protective hedge He has given to America (and other English-speaking nations).
God wants to help America, and He will “if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14).
Yes, the future state of our union is at stake. If we continue to reject God’s laws and pride ourselves on our self-reliance, then destruction and military defeat will be our end (Deuteronomy 8:19-20). But if we humbly turn to the true God with a repentant heart, then He will help us, protect us and restore us.
But even if the nation does not repent, we can each individually turn to God in repentance and seek to do His will. Our loving God wants to hear from us.